Friday, August 12, 2011

Why I Love Friday...

My reasons for a festive Friday feeling...
Friday always feels special to me...
Chores, lists and errands are put aside.
Dinner is either out or brought in.
It is the start of the week end.
I put myself on my fave yellow flowered sofa in the sunroom and I read and sip iced tea and read the afternoon away.

I might toss myself onto this super comfy chair in our bedroom and read the afternoon away.

I might lounge on this antique day bed and read the afternoon away.

I might curl up on the wicker chaise and read my afternoon away.

There is a definite theme running through my post...

Happy Friday everyone!!!

Are you reading your afternoon away?

I am totally engrossed in the book In Search Of The Rose Notes...I love meandering life changing mysterious books and this perfection.  It is a delicious slow reading experience.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I Am Just Saying...On My Almost Wordless Wednesday...

Seriously...Lindsay and Kristina are amazing.

Netgalley is getting more and more fantastic new books.

It is so easy to request a book and it is just as easy to review it on their site.  Sometimes the author responds with a kind note.

I love this part.

And now with a reading application called Bluefire Reader...I am able to download Netgalley books onto my iPAD2...I love reading them on my iPAD...

They format beautifully.

My Almost Wordless Wednesday is just a bit of a shout out to

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Such Gentle Souls...LOL...

I can be compulsive and obsessive.
Just a bit.
I love clothes.  I just bought a slouchy kind of over sized tee in every color it comes in.
I tend to do that if I love something.
I love these shoes.
I must have them.
I will not be happy without them.
My husband reads my blog.
I have a birthday coming up.
I could buy the gray ones and he could buy the black ones!!!
I even love the name of these shoes.
Gentle Souls.
Perfect name for the perfect shoe.
Size 7.
You can find them at Garnet Hill.

I love Garnet Hill...lovely beautiful treasures...clothes and shoes and jammies and coats and bedding...lovely bedding.

Check it out and you will fall in love with the catalog, too.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Monday Mumblings...

Monday is my least favorite day.
Now and always.
When I was teaching...I just hated Monday...we always had to stay at school until 5 ish for faculty meetings.
Every single Monday.
Now...I feel compelled to sweep through my house as though every inch of it needs to be cleansed and recleansed.
Dusting, vacuuming, laundering, wiping, cooking and whatevering.
Every Monday I tell myself I am not going to go crazy and every Monday I listen to myself for about an hour and then I start the cleaning frenzy.
I don't feel this way any other day of the week except for Monday.
It has to be something ingrained in me from my childhood.
Thanks, Mom.
That is how this Monday was spent.
I even made two loaves of zucchini bread and stuffed peppers for dinner...a family recipe and my husband's favorite thing in the summer.
I am kind of tired.
But I am showered, dressed and ready for a drink.
As much as I HATE Monday mornings...I love Monday nights.

How did you spend your Monday?